Monday, January 26, 2009

New look

I love my new blog look. Ashley at SMG made it, and she did such an awesome job!

I found out today that I am suppose to be at the hospital at 9 in the morning. So that gives me a little more time in the morning to get some stuff done. I am not sure how the kids are going to do while I am gone, but I am hoping good. I accomplished a lot today. Did all laundry and hung up the clothes, did the dishes and cleaned out the bathroom. I have been looking at project 365 and I would love to do it...but the reality is that I just don't have the time and I don't take pictures every day. I am making lasagna for dinner and that way they have something for tomorrow to eat. So not sure when I will be back blogging but I doubt too soon! Wish me luck!
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

2 days to go...

I am counting down the days till surgery time. It is so close! I just worry about the kids. I think David is going to have the most problem with Kaylee. She is such a momma's girl and doesn't know what to do without me. I just hope that everything goes smoothly. Friday the kids spent the night at grandmas and they got home yesterday and immediately started to fight! I wanted to pull my hair out. They drive me nuts with the fighting.

Last night we went to eat with Kelley, Joe and Taylor. We had pizza at pizzhut and the kids were gobbling it down like they hadn't ate in a day or so. Kelley ordered Chocolate Dunkers and the kids were in love. Kaylee's jeans did not fair to well in the event. Kaylee has a thing that everytime she sees Joe she hides and literally will not get off my leg. I don't know what her problem is...but hopefully she will get over it. Skyler loves Joe...and believe me Joe puts up with all things from Skyler.

Today we went out to see grandma Gerry and pawpaw Frank like we do every Sunday. The kids love them so much and enjoy going out to see them. I want them to spend as much time as possible because they are their great grandparents and I know they are getting older and want them to remember fun times with them. I never knew my great grandparents, so I am glad the kids have this time with them. Of course grandma Gerry gives them every little thing they want.
Tonight we are going down to moms to eat. I had planned on cooking lasagna...but it can wait one more day. That way David won't have to cook anything on Tuesday. He can just reheat and eat. I know I am going to have to get clothes out for each day and have a list of instructions.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wow...has it really been 15 days!!

I can't believe that it has been half a month since I have posted anything.
I just wanted to let everyone know I went to my doctor's Jan 12th and my surgery is going to be Jan 27th. I am not sure of the time...they call you the day before and let you know. I went yesterday to have my pre-op appointment where they will do blood work, work-up and an EKG on my heart. My recovery time is going to be about 6 weeks. It is similar to my gallbladder surgery: I will have 4 incisions, however one of the incisions will be bigger and if my spleen is too enlarged then they may possibly have to open me up to get it out. But I am hoping not. I really like the doctor and he took a lot of time to explain everything in depth. The reason why I am loosing so many blood cells is with the sphereocytosis my blood cells are sphere shaped which that means to my body it's a foreign substance. So my spleen thinks it's an infection, thus killing them off. The doctor also informed me that our medical bills will go up. After having my spleen removed if I get sick regardless of it just being a cold...I have to go in and see the doctor. Any type of illness untreated could, if not taken care of...well be deadly. I have to get the flu and pnemonia shot every year...this is mandatory. With the surgery like many there are risks...but this one has the possibility of bleeding if a little slip happens. He could tell that I am getting anemic again...and he doesn't want me to have to have another transfusion. I have been getting very fatigued lately...I just can't seem to get enough sleep. My heart was at an accelerated pace which is normal with anemia. So right now I am just hoping that everything stays positive and we get this sucker out with no transfusion before and that everything goes ok.

The past two weekends have not been the best. The weekend before this past one both Skyler and I were sick. And then just last Thursday Kaylee got between Thrusday night and Sunday morning I had a combined total of 13 hours of sleep, which doesn't help with me being tired anyways. Kaylee still has a cough...but it is getting better. I had the cough for about 3 weeks and finally just last week got rid of it totally. David has picked up a part time job. We will see how it goes. Oh yeah...I think we will have another offical potty trained kiddo on our hands. She went all day today without an accident and was wearing underwear. I have to tell you I sure hope so...because diapers are just too expensive. I am just hoping that in three months she will be potty trained all the way before her 3rd Birthday!

Monday evening I went for parent teacher conferences at Skyler's school and he is doing great. It is so funny that he is just like night and day. He is the prized student at school. Listens, cleans up and so forth. But when he is at home watch out! I have to say that I am very proud of him! There are some things we need to work on with him...but mostly he is doing above average.

David is trying to get off for my surgery and hopefully he will. I won't be able to do anything with the kids, so someone will have to be with them at all times. So we will see.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Been awhile....

Well since my last post anyways. Skyler and I got sick this past weekend and I am so glad that I am starting to feel better! The crazy thing is neither Kaylee nor David got it! I started not feeling good Friday and then right after the girls left I started throwing up. Mom and dad came to get the kids since I wouldn't be able to take care of them. And then Skyler came back Saturday morning and he started throwing up. But he was only sick for about 3 hours most and then he was up running around right after.

Kaylee is going to be 3 in 3 months!! Where has the time gone. Geez it just doesn't seem possible! She has seen Barbie's new Thumbelina's and loves them so she will be getting them for her Birthday. This is what Barbie Blooming Thumbelina looks like:
And then she has several friends like Tinkerbell does. Kaylee thinks that she is tinkerbell. But they are very pretty.
This is what her cake is going to look like:

I start planning Birthday's about 3 months in advance to make sure that I don't forget anything and I am a huge planner. I have always been like that.

Next Monday I go see the doctor who is going to take out my spleen. So I am excited to finally find out the date of my surgery. It will be a weight lifted!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year has begun!

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It's so hard to believe that it is a start of a New Year. The kids and I had a good time last night. We played Wii with Taylor. Joe fried fish and Kelley made mac and cheese. Then mom had fruit and fruit dip, veggies and dip, little smokies wrapped in buns and rotelle dip and cheese. The kids snacked all night and ran around at Joe's and Kelley's like crazy. They love going up and down the stairs at his house. Then we left around 9:30 and went to grandma's and grandpa's and went to sleep. We did not see the new year come in. I am just way to tired for that anymore. Yesterday I got Kaylee's hair cut and I love it. I think it is so cute. The curls were getting way to hard to manage. She has super fine hair and gets a ton of rats in it. She did great getting her hair cut! And here she is now:


Kaylee and I went to get groceries b/c I decided that I have kids tomorrow and I am not going anywhere. I also ordered their valentine's shirts tonight from Gap. I just hope that it doesn't take forever to get them in. Usually if I order it today it will be here by Friday of next week at the latest. That is what I am hoping b/c I am getting their pictures taken next Saturday for Valentine's day. We didn't get Christmas pictures taken this year and so I decided taht we will get their pics taken for v-day.

I hope everyone had a great New Years Eve and a good New Years Day!
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