Friday, November 14, 2008


Oh could those letters leave such a nice feeling. Today wasn't too bad. We did the usual. Kids here till about 3:45 and then I went grocery shopping. I went to get Kaylee some diapers and of course they were out of her size all together! Wal-Mart is famous for this! Hopefully they will have some tomorrow. I didn't get to do all that I had to do b/c David went with me and of course, he is always in a hurry! I was going to look for Kinlea's and Kailynn's Christmas gifts that the kids are going to get for them...but no such luck with my husband! Then we need to look for Trey's, and my dad's gift.

You know I never knew how funny it was and how tired a parent can get of a kid saying "I want that for Christmas". Skyler and Kaylee say that at what they like on tv, see in a magazine or see in the store. Well Skyler and I made his Christmas list for Santa today and he had that he wanted:
  • Handy Manny Truck
  • Screaming Banshee
  • Lightning Storm McQueen
  • Spike the Ultra Dinosaur
  • and Disney Car Mega Blocks

So not too bad. The first two I have gotten for him, and Toys R Us has the Lightning Storm on sale for $20.99 and I have a $10 off coupon. So I will be getting that tomorrow. And I know what blocks it is that he wants for Christmas which are not too bad in price. But that Dinosaur is $129!! That is a little out of our price range. He really likes it...but I do have a pretty awesome coupon to use at toys r us that I haven't used we will see. And I do keep reminding the kids that Santa can't get everything their little hearts desire, and to be happy with what he does bring them. Cause I sure know that Santa is not rich this year!!

Kaylee and I have made her list...and we got the Caring Corners Dollhouse at just an awesome price and have gotten some accessories to go with it. My sister is picking up a couple for her for Christmas as well. There are just two more that I need to get and they are not too much. And when I ask her what she wants I mostly hear: TINKERBELL! Everywhere we go and she sees Tinkerbell I think she wakes up the whole neighborhood. But she keeps tell me that Santa is going to bring her a baby. She loves the Baby Alive doll...but Santa can not afford another $60!!!

They came and drew my blood yesterday. And I got a call from the social worker at the dr office and she said that the Mayo clinic had it and was analyzing it today. So that is very good news. It made it there in one piece and this will be sucessful! Woo-Hoo!! I am guessing that either Monday or Tuesday I will get the final verdict of wether or not I will have to have my spleen taken out. I am sure that it will be yeah...since I am losing so much blood.

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