Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday dad took me to the doctors and they pulled out the staples in my belly and I felt just as bad as I did the day that I came home from the hospital. With the staples I had gotten down and able to take a bath...but without them I can not seem to get down. My belly is a lot more sore. I am hoping it gets better fast. When I went they told me they had cut my stomach into three different layers. I am restricted to only lifting 10 pounds the remainder of my 4 weeks left and no driving. If I strain too much I have the possiblity of either opening up my 8" incesion or possibly having a hernia. Oh yeah me! This surgery has really thrown me for a loop. I am going to take it slow and do the best I can.

On Friday I only have Kailyn here, so the kids and I are going to make cupcakes instead of cookies. Skyler has his Valentine's Party at preschool and is suppose to wear PJ's and take a stuffed animal with him. We have his treats to take all bunched up and ready. He is excited. We also re-registered Skyler for next year and registered Kaylee. She is going to be the real test. She is very hard headed and I am just waiting to see what she will do. I am only hoping for the best!

I still haven't decided what I am going to do with my blog after Valentine's Day. I really love it and am not wanting to take it down. I think I will leave it up for awhile in reality. The next one will be a St. Pat's day one...but I have all the way till March 1st to use this awesome one.
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1 comment:

Samantha said...

Hey Shawna...I am sorry you haven't been well. I hope you recover quickly. Your blog is gorgeous! Take care.... :)