As if you couldn't tell right? Amanda from SMG made it and she did an AMAZING job! Those girls are so awesome over there. This weekened went by so fast. Well Saturday we went to Joe's for a suprise Birthday party for him. He was suprised. He is an avid Scooby Doo watcher (even though he is 32, can't take the kid out of ya) so my sister got a scooby doo cake, plates and napkins as well as decorations. The kids love it down at Joe's b/c he lives in the country and owns 125 acres, so they can pretty much go anywhere they want. Kaylee stayed the night down there but Skyler wound up going home with grandma. So Saturday I was left once again with no kids. It was nice and quiet once again. Sunday I went to pick them up. Skyler was at grandma Gerry's house, but Kelley wound up bringing Kaylee home. We had pizza last night and just relaxed.
Today was wild. I had just pulled Skyler's clothes out of the dryer and layed them on the couch to layout before I put them up, and as I was watching Kaylee (which she is just like me, clumsy!) she was in the hallway, which is small anyways, and tripped over her own two feet and slammed her forehead into the wall. But it wasn't a loud hit, but she was crying and when she came over to me she had a bump and it was blue and in about three minutes that bumped had grown severely. So I got worried and called mom. I told her I thought her head was going to explode in that spot, because I have NEVER seen a bump that HUGE on someones head before. But mom told me I did the same thing as a little kid and just to put ice on it and watch her. We got some of the swelling to go down, but she still looks wounded. The bad part is she was chasing Skyler and playing. Poor little girl.
I forgot Monday was Memorial Day, this month has really flown by, and so Sunday we are going to Joe's for a BBQ and then Monday we will head down to moms to relax and for some more BBQ. So it should be nice and relaxing...well hopefully.
Summertime Sweets
Hey friends! I pulled together a bunch of sweet treats that would be
super fun served up this summer. Check these out if you are looking for a
cute tre...
9 months ago
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