Well it's Friday and the kids are off to mom and dad's and it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. This is so different than last night was! Skyler was so BAD last night. We went to get groceries and first we wen to eat. All the time in the resturant he kept announcing he had to poop. We had just taken him and he said "I have to poop". That was just the start then we head to Menards both the kids were acting up throwing fits, and refusing to move through the store. People kept looking at us and it was embarassing! Then we headed to Wal-Mart to get groceries, well this was the icing on the cake. Skyler kept either hitting, pinching or slapping Kaylee. Then he was screaming really loud at the top of his lungs and then he started to hit me. That is why I avoid at all costs taking them in public with me like that. Because Skyler can not take no for an answer and has his temper tantrum. I could not remember for the life of me by the time we got home what I had bought. David and I both had headaches and were ready to just sleep.
Today wasn't any better at all. I don't understand why Skyler feels the need to be mean to Kaylee either hitting her or pinching her or sometimes punching. AAAAAAHHHHHH! That is what I feel like. Then once Skyler got to preschool it was quiet...too quiet. Kaylee had said she had to use the restroom, so I wait for about 5 mins and go in the bathroom and oh my..... let me describe what I saw:
There was water on the ground and floor mats, then I see this little girl taking her shorts and dumping them in and out of the toilet, I also see on the floor her underwear completely soaked and her shirt was on but soaked. I just didn't know what to say...I just walked away and put my hands on my face covering my eyes and just sat there for about 2-3 mins. This was just a day today. So I did an extra load of laundry today. Yay! So I am pretty well mentally drained.
I did manage in the midst of things to get some cute pics of the kiddos today. Enjoy and have a great weekend.
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