Kaylee *helped* me wrap gifts for my sister, my mom, my dad, Taylor and Zach and I think that was a mistake as when we dropped the presents off at my mom's today she started telling grandma what all the items were. She is my big mouth of the two. Skyler can keep a secret but Kaylee can't. She always says that she will not tell, but right after you tell her give her two minutes and she can't hold it in any longer. :)
Santa is bringing the rest of the gifts and from what he and I have discussed Skyler is getting Chugginton sets, Transformers, Stinky the truck and a few batman items that he wanted and of course some candy...what Christmas would not be complete without that vital piece of the puzzle. Now from what Santa told me he is bring Kaylee the Olivia platset, The Plum Pudding purple car, and lalaloopsy's and candy too.
Skyler's last day of school was yesterday. They had breakfast in his classroom complete with sausage and cinnamon rolls. Then they were to wear their sleeping clothes, bring a pillow and blanket and a stuffed animal. He brought his heart puppy. He got it for Valentine's day when he was two and still sleeps with that thing. It's one of Ty's items and thank goodness it can be washed. Then they had Happy Meals for lunch. They had a good time. On Monday they made Gingerbread houses. David went to help out and Kaylee got to tag along so she got to make them too.
Kaylee's last day was Monday and she had a Christmas party. Each kiddo was to bring a book and they play a game and then whatever book you wind up with you get to take home. Well when Kaylee opened hers she got a Toy Story book, she does not like Toy Story at all, David told me she said "I don't want this" and threw the book down. I just couldn't believe it. Lately she has been doing stuff like that and I am not pleased at all with those reactions from her. So I asked David if he corrected her, he said no. But she did apologize to everyone and to her teacher. I am not sure what her deal is lately but she and I had a talk and I told her she was lucky daddy was there with her, because I would of taken her out of her chair and in another room and spanked her bottom. (I realize for some that just talking to your kids or taking toys away, or time out or so forth works, but for mine it just doesn't and believe me I have tried everything, the only thing that works is a spanking)
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am headed to Louisiana Christmas nite and will be bringing in the New Year there.
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