Well Monday was not the greatest day for me. Alot of things happened personally in my life and I am still adjusting to the outcome that I made from them. It maynot be easy but I am going to try to do what I feel is right.
My sister is in the ER today. She needs a root canal and has tried calling around all over the place for almost a week now. No one can get her in until late in the month or next month. I don't understand if it's an emergency why can't they cancel cleaning appointments and get someone in who needs to be seen right away. So the hospital is going to give her antibiotics to help get her swelling down. One of the dentist was going to try to work on her mouth, but her face is so swollen he sent her to the ER so they could help get down the swelling. Then the dentist is going to work on her root canal. She was still waiting in the ER the last time I texted her about an hour ago.
I read Fallen over the last two days and absolutely LOVED it. I can not wait for the sequel to it to come out in September. The book is by Lauren Kate. So now I am starting back at Twilight again, because all the books I want to read are on order at the library right now. However I think I am going to read Water for Elephants which is another movie that Robert Pattinson is filming with Reece Witherspoon. I know that it's about a young gentleman (Pattinson) who drops out of med school right before graduation having learned his father has passed away and he joins a circus to help with the animals. He was going to school to be a vet. Sounds kind of interesting.
I found another picture of eclipse that I like. Also added two other blinkies to my blog made by Christine at VIP signatures, she did a great job and she made me a siggy for Eclipse as well.
and here is the siggy that Christine made me:
Also I have really gotten into The Vampire Diaries. I read the books but didn't like them as well as I do the TV series. I only caught the last half of the year so I am catching up this summer on it.
Also on another note I am starting back to work at Subway. I am working just part time right now. And I think I like that better than full time. Have a great day everyone!
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