Amanda from SMG made my header! I so love it! This has to be one of my faves by far! Thank you so much Amanda you ladies rock my socks!
Tomorrow I am taking the kids to see Great Grandma Gerry and paw paw Frank and then we will go to the park before or after, not sure yet. And as for Monday I am not sure what we are going to do.
Last night I was so irritated at David. I worked, yeah it was only for 5 hours but this job just wears you out. When I got home, well lets just say I thought I would be able to relax and watch the shows that had taped. WRONG!! David was watching some kids, 3 girls ages 5, 3 and 1 all girls, and I wouldn't have minded so much but they were here till 8pm and they had gone in Kaylee's room and completely tore up her room and Kaylee's favorite doll is missing one of her legs!! David would not pick any of it up, so about 30 minutes I had the joy of cleaning up Kaylee's room and I still have not found the doll leg yet! And I had not eatten anything all day and I had brought my sandwhich home from work, well it was cold by the time I ate it. He didn't understand why I was so irritated. And not to mention these girls behaved worse than Skyler and Kaylee. Now there is a difference in the way mom's correct kids and dad's. Well David is a push over and they wouldn't listen to him and I had heard enough of the yelling and pushing and hitting each other. So I went in there and in my stern "mom tone" told them to stop and sit down or we were going in time out. Needless to say they were pretty quiet and behaved till they went home. David told me, I don't know how you got them to listen. All I did was look at him and said "authority, David, you have to be the adult." Also not to mention I did not find out he was watching them till after I got home. Man I probably sound horrible, huh!
My kids listen to me and they know when to not push my buttons, I am a pretty easy going mom but I also correct kids when needed. David is a push over and lets anyone get away with anything.
Summertime Sweets
Hey friends! I pulled together a bunch of sweet treats that would be
super fun served up this summer. Check these out if you are looking for a
cute tre...
9 months ago
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