Lots to post about. I am so bad about keeping up with this lately. Well Wednesday Skyler had his preschool graduation and it was soooooo cute!!! Kaylee was sitting on my lap dancing like all the kids were in the front. It kills her to have to sit with me and not go with Skyler. Skyler's class sang 5 songs. One was 5 little Monkey's and that was the cutest thing. My parents and grandparents as well as Kelley and Taylor were there to see him graduate.
On Friday Kinlea wasn't here so I kind of had a 4 day weekend. David and I stayed home and the kids went to my parents, like every Friday. We had gotten groceries on Thursday, so there wasn't anything to do except relax! Saturday the kids and I went out to see my grandma and spent a little time out there. Then Sunday David, the kids and I went to Kelley's and Joe's. Joe does a thing for Memorial Day on Sunday. There was a ton of people there and I had no clue who any of them were except Joe's mom, dad and step dad. Then Monday we went to my mom and dads and had a bbq. It was pretty nice!!!
Today was kind of a bitter sweet day. I had been on two interviews for Subway for the assistant manger position and hadn't heard anything, so I just figured I didn't get the job. Well today around 10 the manager called and offered me the job. And right now we really need for me to take this job and I said yes. I start Monday. Which is crazy b/c I didn't really have time to tell the kids parents that I babysit for. I was crying when I told Katie. I really enjoy watching Kinlea and I hate to see her go, but babysitting was not making the bills anymore. Since Kailyn left, since her brother died in the accident and her parents couldn't afford to bring her to me and are using a free daycare since they are state employeed, things haven't been too good financial wise. So I had to make a decision and it was to go back to work. But I am excited b/c I have awesome potential in this company. They don't promote by seniority they promote by hard work! Finally a company that does that. I am a hard worker, I always get it my all so I am hoping that I can be a manager at a store sooner than later.
And last....I am so excited!!! Kelley finds out what she is having tomorrow! I think she is having a boy, a couple weeks after she told me she was pregnant I just had this feeling that she was carrying a boy. I had the same feeling when I was carrying Skyler and I knew I was carrying a girl with Kaylee. So we will see!
Summertime Sweets
Hey friends! I pulled together a bunch of sweet treats that would be
super fun served up this summer. Check these out if you are looking for a
cute tre...
9 months ago
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