Last week we just got Skyler's preschool graduation invitations to give out. He graduates on the 20th. I can't believe the school year is almost over with. But he has just learned so much! He is going back next year...there is still some stuff he needs to learn yet. They graduate every year. Next Wednesday he has singing at his school, and up until this point we have missed them; partly because David was working on Wednesday's and I just can't handle both kids at once in public; but this time we are going. I am looking forward to it. He knows soooooo many songs and comes home and sings them. He goes to our church preschool and they do teach him about God, and the things he knows amazes me. Kaylee is learning a lot from him about God as well, and preschool in general. Kaylee has found an extra backpack and is now carrying it around and likes to think she is going to go to school as well.
I took some new pics of the kids, Skyler is so hard to take any of. He says he wants to, but then runs away and hides. Kaylee is still bearable at taking them, but we have to take at least 30 before we get 5 good ones. I have my screen saver set on just general pics and when it scrolls through all the old pics, I just want to cry. I can't believe how big they have gotten! David and I have discussed about having another kid...but it will have to be a couple years down the road if we do. I would love to have another baby...just not yet. I think David is more ready to than I am, but financially we just are not there yet. And I am not there mentally yet either. So in 2010/2011 we may be trying for another...just not now.
I had to laugh today! Kaylee is sometimes just the funniest little thing I have to say. Dylan, a little baby that I watch (well he is one now), Kaylee put him in her doll stroller and as he sat there she pretended to give him a hair cut. At first, which I did not have my camera then, she had her blankie around him like one of those things they put around you when you are getting your hair cut, anyways here is a pic:
I hope that everyone has a great mother's day. My dad is taking my mom, sister and I out to breakfast that morning along with the kids. We do this every Mother's Day and I am ready this year. The kids picked out a Mother's Day card for my mom, and it sings "you are my sunshine". Still have not been able to find anything for her. But I will look Friday. If there is something to be said about Motherhood it's that they never said it was going to be easy...but it is one thing: AMAZING! Happy Mother's Day!
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