Geez. Saturday morning about 7:15 am my mom called and told me that Skyler was running a fever and coughing. He was eatting and fine other wise. Well we left Skyler with dad and went to Columbia, because I had to get groceries or we would have nothing to eat. So after we got back Skyler was not having anymore fever and we all laid down and took a nap. Well Skyler's fever started again about 7 pm, so I gave him more tylenol and then he went to bed. Sunday he didn't have a fever and was eatting just fine. So mom kept him since he didn't want to go with us to the outlets. Well we got back around 8 last night and he was running a fever again. I just can't figure it out. Well about 20 minutes after we got home he didn't have a fever, and the crazy thing is mom hadn't given him any tylenol since about 5:30 that evening. Well today he has been fine...just coughing and no fever. But his coughing is getting better.
So on to yesterday. David, Kaylee and I went to the outlets and Kaylee was really good. I love her being potty trained but about every 45 minutes she has to use the bathroom. I got some pretty good deals, didn't find a lot at the outlet stores...more at the regular malls and stuff. I did get some awesome shirts for Skyler at Carters and a couple of cute things for Kaylee at Carters as well. I also found at Sears, Kaylee loves Yo Gabba Gabba, some underwear and sleeping clothes in Yo Gabba Gabba; Kaylee was excited. Last night after we got home, David decided he was going to give the kids a bath. He ran the water and told the kids that he was ready for them. Kaylee went flying into the bathroom, tripped over David's jeans he had left in the bathroom floor and went mouth first into the bathtub. I was in the kitchen and heard her start crying immediately. So I went into the bathroom to find her mouth bleeding big time. I took her in the kitchen and got the bleeding to stop and checked out her mouth, which she did not want me to do willingly, but she finally gave in. After looking in her mouth and around it, she had:
~Cut her lip upper and bottom on the right hand side
~One of her top teeth had moved just a little in her mouth and you could see a little blood around the top of it
~A couple of her bottom teeth had a little bit of blood around them at the bottom of them.
Her mouth was completely sore, so I gave her motrin last night and I didn't dare try to brush her teeth. I figured that it was not too good of an idea. This morning her mouth was swollen on the right side and I gave her more motrin through out the day. She is eatting and doing good. I called the dentist and they said that she should be fine. Then I called the ER and they told me to just watch her if her mouth doesn't feel any better or the swelling doesn't go down in a few days to take her in to see the doctor.
Last night David got a chewing out. He is bad about just leaving anything lie around. We have a hamper in the bathroom, but he uses everything but that. His shoes he leaves wherever. But he felt horrible and I think he has actually realized that he should put stuff where it goes. But now it seems like Kaylee has gotten Skyler's cough and tonight she was running a fever. I do blame the weather. Just last week it was in the 30's and now this past weekend and today it has been in the 60's. We get really nice weather and then it gets cold again.
The kids did enjoy the weather today. It was so pretty and nice. I didn't take any photos just enjoyed the weather for a change.
Summertime Sweets
Hey friends! I pulled together a bunch of sweet treats that would be
super fun served up this summer. Check these out if you are looking for a
cute tre...
9 months ago
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