Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ok so I now several of you have heard the huge buzz about Twilight. I have never read the books or saw the movie till last night. All the ladies are raving about it, so I was excited to rent it and watch it. So I was expecting this epic romance between Bella and Edward and just a wonderful movie in general. It was a HUGE disappointment!!!! The movie was very slow moving to start off with...but I stuck with it. Ok I understand the romance between Bella and Edward but it was nothing that makes you want to see this movie over and over. Soooo many people talked this movie up and that they had seen it over and over. My question is why? I was just disappointed. Am I the only one that feels like this?

Anyways we are so ready to go. It has been raining cats and dogs here lately. That is my little rant for this morning.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Still sick

Man! Kaylee and I went to the doctors on Friday and we have just something viral. She didn't say what just that it is going around. I am still sick and I hate it. Kaylee is finally over hacking her lungs out, which I tried every cough medicine known to man which nothing worked. She is running around playing today. But yesterday all she did was sleep. She is still coughing but not as bad. I still have a head cold and it is miserable! My eyes are red and I am sneezing like crazy. I hope I am over this by the time that we leave for Louisiana. I am so ready and excited to go!

Yesterday I got all their underwear, socks, sleeping clothes and bathing suits together. I figured by today I would have everything ready to be packed. It will be so much easier to do all that now then later. I am going to pack my stuff up tomorrow and I hope that David will do the same thing. Although he is a procrastonator, but he only has until the end of Tuesday to do it b/c he has somewhere to be for his job Wednesday and Thursday. So he really doesn't have a choice in the matter.

We were suppose to go to my cousins sons birthday today...but since I am still not feeling well and Kaylee still is coughing I think we are going to stay right at home today. My head is killing me. I have so much pressure behind my eyes it is miserable! I am glad that spring is here but everytime it comes I get these terrible head colds. This will probably be my last post till we get back and I am sure I will have a ton of pictures to share.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I hate being sick!!!

It is jus the worst ever. This is one of the worst sinus infections that I have had and I think it's because since my spleen is out that I have nothing to help fight it. GRRRR!!! The kids I think are starting to feel better. They still have a cough but it's not too bad. But now of course I am sick and there is nothing like taking care of kids at the same time as being sick.

I am so ready to head to Louisiana. Nice weather for sure and it will be wonderful. I have to say in the spring I miss it because it is so nice and warm. We are going to the zoo, so be warned there will be a ton of pictures to post. We are also having Kaylee's Birthday down there too. So I am sure there will be plenty of pics from that too. We are having My Little Pony down there and she picked out Care Bears for here.

While we are in I am secretly hoping to eat some boiled crawfish. If you are not from Louisiana and have no idea what I am talking about let me fill you in. What they do is have a HUGE pot to cook the yummy stuff in. Then they buy sacks of crawfish most are in 40 lbs sacks. A crawfish looks like a miniture lobster, or can be referred to as crawdaddies. First you purge them which means they are alive and you fill them up, most use a larger cooler and fill it with water and you purge them with salt. This helps them spit up all the dirt and mud, cause that is where they love to be in. We normally purge them 2-3 times. Then you stick them in the hot boiling water and add the crawfish seasoning which is spicy and after a bit they are good to eat. YUM!! Then you also boil new potatoes and little corn and I compeltely love the corn. It is so spicy and good. Ah man I really miss it down there now!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Man what a weekend!

Geez. Saturday morning about 7:15 am my mom called and told me that Skyler was running a fever and coughing. He was eatting and fine other wise. Well we left Skyler with dad and went to Columbia, because I had to get groceries or we would have nothing to eat. So after we got back Skyler was not having anymore fever and we all laid down and took a nap. Well Skyler's fever started again about 7 pm, so I gave him more tylenol and then he went to bed. Sunday he didn't have a fever and was eatting just fine. So mom kept him since he didn't want to go with us to the outlets. Well we got back around 8 last night and he was running a fever again. I just can't figure it out. Well about 20 minutes after we got home he didn't have a fever, and the crazy thing is mom hadn't given him any tylenol since about 5:30 that evening. Well today he has been fine...just coughing and no fever. But his coughing is getting better.

So on to yesterday. David, Kaylee and I went to the outlets and Kaylee was really good. I love her being potty trained but about every 45 minutes she has to use the bathroom. I got some pretty good deals, didn't find a lot at the outlet stores...more at the regular malls and stuff. I did get some awesome shirts for Skyler at Carters and a couple of cute things for Kaylee at Carters as well. I also found at Sears, Kaylee loves Yo Gabba Gabba, some underwear and sleeping clothes in Yo Gabba Gabba; Kaylee was excited. Last night after we got home, David decided he was going to give the kids a bath. He ran the water and told the kids that he was ready for them. Kaylee went flying into the bathroom, tripped over David's jeans he had left in the bathroom floor and went mouth first into the bathtub. I was in the kitchen and heard her start crying immediately. So I went into the bathroom to find her mouth bleeding big time. I took her in the kitchen and got the bleeding to stop and checked out her mouth, which she did not want me to do willingly, but she finally gave in. After looking in her mouth and around it, she had:
~Cut her lip upper and bottom on the right hand side
~One of her top teeth had moved just a little in her mouth and you could see a little blood around the top of it
~A couple of her bottom teeth had a little bit of blood around them at the bottom of them.
Her mouth was completely sore, so I gave her motrin last night and I didn't dare try to brush her teeth. I figured that it was not too good of an idea. This morning her mouth was swollen on the right side and I gave her more motrin through out the day. She is eatting and doing good. I called the dentist and they said that she should be fine. Then I called the ER and they told me to just watch her if her mouth doesn't feel any better or the swelling doesn't go down in a few days to take her in to see the doctor.

Last night David got a chewing out. He is bad about just leaving anything lie around. We have a hamper in the bathroom, but he uses everything but that. His shoes he leaves wherever. But he felt horrible and I think he has actually realized that he should put stuff where it goes. But now it seems like Kaylee has gotten Skyler's cough and tonight she was running a fever. I do blame the weather. Just last week it was in the 30's and now this past weekend and today it has been in the 60's. We get really nice weather and then it gets cold again.

The kids did enjoy the weather today. It was so pretty and nice. I didn't take any photos just enjoyed the weather for a change.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wow am I bad for what?

I haven't posted in over a week. I have been semi busy. We just got our tax refund back today and tomorrow I am going to St. Louis Mills (and outlet center) to go do some shopping. I am so ready too. I have not been anywhere except Columbia since October and am ready to get out for a day. I am stopping in Burlington Coat Factory, Carters, Gap Outlet, Old Navy Outlet, Gymboree Outlet and the Children's Place Outlet for sure.

I did get my clothes listed on ebay. I just hope they sell. I am going to round up Skyler's clothes and take them to the place that buys kids clothes. I have been really tired lately and do not know why. I think I need to get my butt to bed at a better time though!

We are going to Louisiana here in two weeks! And I am so ready to go! Kaylee turns 3 on April 11th and we are going to have a birthday party for her while we are in. So that should be fun. I am meeting up with several friends while we are in and they both have kiddos the kids ages. But that is about all that has really happened around here lately.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is it almost Friday yet??

That is what I feel like today. I think this week has just dragged on. I love my kids...but tonight I think I am ready to ship them out! Skyler since Tuesday has been complaining of his stomach hurting, and he hasn't run a fever, hasn't thrown up and he has been eatting. Not a ton but eating regular food. I called the doctor and they said that there really isn't much that they could do since he doesn't have any of the other symptoms. I am not sure what he had for snack at school on Monday but it have have not set right with him. But today he complained a little...not as much as yesterday.

Kaylee is doing so well on the potty. She hasn't peed her diaper during the night or during nap time since Saturday. I am so proud of her. And a big plus is NO MORE DIAPERS!! Man is that a good feeling or what?

The two little kiddos that I watch Kailyn who is 2, she use to go to another babysitter and her mom would said that about 5 blocks from her baby sitters house she would starting crying immediately. Well her she calls me "momma" and hugs me all the time. Her mom says she loves it here and one night at her house she got in trouble with her dad and he sent her to her room. Well her mom goes up finds her with a Wal-Mart sack putting toys and clothes in it and she asks her "what are you doing?" She replied "Going to Shauna's, I tired of daddy". I thought that was sooo cute. I am glad that she likes coming here.

Kinlea is 8 months and I get hugs from her. When she comes in, in the morning she is all smiles and so excited to see everyone. She will look over for me and smiles real big. She can go from not eating at home and not feeling well, to coming here and being happy and eating all the food her mom brings her. They both are just happy kiddos. Kinlea and Skyler have a very special bond! She adores him, why I am not quite sure...but he loves her just as much back. They will be sitting on the floor together and she will reach over and hug him, or he will do it to her. It's sooo cute!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I think I would of smacked him!!

Oh man! So I just got done watching the Bachleor and after watching after the rose, I think I could of reached through the tv and seriously smacked him in the face!! How do you do that to someone? How do you propose and then take it back and then in the same sentence say I want to be with the girl I let go? All I have to say is he better watch out b/c a little old lady is going to see him on the street and take her purse and sock him in the head with it! I am so heated over this. My husband was sitting beside me on the couch and as soon as that happened, you could see him slowly moving away from me.

Other than that today was pretty quiet. The kids weren't too bad. I fixed the kids chicken quesadillas, they love them. Well today nobody wanted to eat theirs. I also bought mozerella sticks and no one would eat them. I tried them both and they were good. So I am not sure what is going on. A lady from David's work sent home Banana Nut Bread and Kaylee has been eatting that up. Skyler says he doesn't like it. He is the more picky one of the two. I also fixed spaghetti for supper well he kept saying he didn't like it. So I told him that I was not fixing anything else. Kaylee ate all of hers and Skyler decided that he like it and he ate it all. Kids I tell ya!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Is it really over?

The weekend just goes by too fast. Seems like it just turns Friday evening and BOOM it's Monday again. The kiddos got back about 9 this am and I was still asleep. I heard mom banging on the door. I bet I could sleep forever if given the chance. Kaylee was in such a good mood today and let me take some very cute pics of her! They are above. She was in the mood to, she said "mommy can I take pictures?" and I looked at her and was like "YES!!" So she was a posing away. Skyler does not like the camera so much I think he just had too much when he was a baby. It's hard to believe that Skyler will be 5 this year and Kaylee in just 40 days will be 3! Where does the time go? I can remember being in the hospital with both of them just like it was yesterday.

Tonight David and I watched Nights in Rodanthe, finally. It was soooooo good. Kind of makes you feel good...but still sad.