So it's been almost two weeks since my surgery and thought I would give an update. I have been on the computer...just haven't really felt like blogging. I went in Tuesday Jan 27 expecting what to be an hour surgery turned into a 4 hour one. I have 4 incesions. Three are 7mm and one is 8 inches suppose to have been 10mm. Your spleen is suppose to be the size of your fist and well mine was the size of a newborn baby. No I am not joking, that is what the doctor told me. Recoperating has been more of a challenge than anything. I still have not been able to take a bath! And let me tell ya I am not a happy camper. I go back tomorrow to have the staples removed and I will be glad. But I know it's going to hurt I had the same ones in my belly with both c-sections and they hurt coming out. My stomach is sooooo tender! I am not able to lift anything 10 or more pounds for 6 weeks and I can not drive for 6weeks.
The kids and I are going to make some cake cookies for Valentine's Day and just going to relax. We are going to do that on Friday. I am going to pick up everything I need for them tomorrow. We already gave them their valentine's presents just not their candy. Valentine's is not a huge holiday for me. Never really has been. I personally think it's a waste of money to spend on roses that only last for a few days. I would rather have a nice meal than flowers or candy. But that is just me. David works Valentine's Day so I would say it's just going to be me and the kiddos that day.
A little update on Kaylee she is potty trained! And I could not be happier. Before her third Birthday! Whoo-hoo!
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