I got the kids Easter outfits yesterday. I got Kaylee's dress from Gymboree and had a 20% coupon to use. Her dress is soooo cute! It's the first Easter dress that I have really liked in a long time. I also got Skyler's shirt from their as well. It is pretty cute as well. I tried them on both of them today and Kaylee loved her dress...but as for Skyler he wanted nothing to do with his shirt.
Tonight since the kids were sleeping I watched High School Musical 3. Yep I know! I am a dork. I watched the first two and I just had to watch the last one. I can think my 8 year old niece for getting me to watch the first two, the last one was all me. But I have to admit I kind of like musicals and dance movies. My husband does not like this fact, but he suffers through half of them if it's the only thing on and I won't change it. I think secretly he likes 'em! :)
I really want to see He Is Just Not That Into You and also the new one with Tom Hanks the sequel to The Di Vinci Code. Now I have not seen the Di Vinci Code, which I plan on watching before I see the sequel. The other weekend I watched Lakeview Terrace and it was really good. But the big one I plan on watching tomorrow night is Nights in Rodanthe.
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