So I decided that I needed to get Skyler and Kaylee's presents wrapped from each other. So the other was not in the room while the other helped. Skyler was first and I told him NOT to tell her what it was it was suppose to be a suprise on Christmas. So this he understood. So when Kaylee came in the room he told her it was a " turd ". LOL. Kids I tell you. Then it was Kaylee's turn to wrap Skyler's, we get it wrapped he comes in the room and he asked her what is it? And of course Kaylee says it's "wall-e"! Great! So much for wrapping with me anymore.
We have a Chirstmas dinner to go to on Saturday at my Aunt Ruthann's and Uncle Larry's. We usually have dinner and then the kids open their presents. So it should be fun. It is always nice to get together with relatives that you don't see to often. Then Christmas eve we are going to Kelley and Joe's and they are cooking, and we will be exchanging presents. Taylor already got hers from us. She liked it a lot. It was Littlest Pet Shop Tail Waggin Fitness Club. Then of course Christmas is at moms. And I am looking forward to that. The food and the company. I hope Angela makes it in.
But next week. The kids and I are going to do a Gingerbread house and bake cookies and decorate them. Skyler's last day of school for two weeks is tomorrow. And he is so excited. And I have to say that I will be glad...because everytime he goes to school he is sooo tired and crabby when he gets home. When he is at home and doesn't have school, he takes a nap. They are going to have a little play and his line in it is "I see Joseph gently leading me." Then they all had to buy a book and they will exchange that. I also saw something that they did there that I am going to do with the kids next week. They took pictures of their face with Santa hats and then one of their full body and then cut those out and put them on either a reindeer or Christmas tree, so you have their head really huge and their body small. It was really cute.
It has been really cold here. Sunday it rained and got belowing freezing, then Monday it snowed and today it is suppose to do some freezing rain. But tomorrow and Saturday it is suppose to be in the 40's and I am glad. At least it will start melting. It was today.
One of the little girls that come here, her brother was in a bad accident this weekend and most of the week I didn't have anyone. Today I had both Kinlea and Kailynn. My prayers are with their families for her brother to get better.
Summertime Sweets
Hey friends! I pulled together a bunch of sweet treats that would be
super fun served up this summer. Check these out if you are looking for a
cute tre...
9 months ago
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