and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse! LOL. That is how it is in my house right now. The kids were actually excited to go to bed for once. Today we made snowman cookies. This is the picture of what we were making...

I thought they were so cute when I saw the picture and I knew I just had to make them. So the kids and I made up the dough and went to work.

That is a picture of all the ingredients that we used for them. I love the whipped icing that Betty Crocker has out is very yummy and doesn't get hard fast.

Those are Skyler and Kaylee's decorated cookies that they made and here is a pic of how proud they were of themselves

After they made theirs they wanted to get down they had "had enough" well that is what they said. So here are some of the others that I made:

And of course we can not forget the jolly man in the red suit. Here is his cookie and milk:

And let me tell ya the cookie was very good! The kids ate theirs after dinner tonight and I kept hearing yum! So they must of been good and of course after they went to sleep Santa made a stop and ate his cookie and drank his milk! "he" thought they were very yummy!
I hope that everyone has such an enjoyable day tomorrow. The real reason for this season is Jesus' birth, and that is something that is in our hearts. The thing I enjoy most is the kids having a wonderful time and just spending the day with family! So there is only one last thing to say: