At least that is the way it feels to me. Mary and Richard left at 8:30 this am, and after they left it was just an weird silence. We had a good time and hated to see them leave. We really did enjoy ourselves. They got in Thursday and I still had kids here. They all left at 3:45 and I fixed shrimp and chicken alfredo. On Friday we went to Columbia and ate at TGIFridays. It was so good. I also did more Christmas shopping. The kids went on the carousel at the mall grandma and grandpa rode with them. We had Jambalaya for supper and my mom made pecan pie! And it was all very good. The kids really had a good time with grandma and grandpa and Skyler said some of the funniest things! Mary asked Skyler on Thursday evening if he had a mirror in his room (and he doesn't) he replied by saying "Yes grandma", he then took her in his room and pointed to his window. It was so funny. Then, yes my mother in law talks a bit, Skyler came down stairs yesterday morning and said "I am tired of grandma talking, tired of it!" both Richard and I looked at each other and started laughing. Kaylee for some reason has to get use to Richard for a couple of days. Well Friday after they got off the merry go round she was holding his hand walking in the mall. All of a sudden she asked "where's pawpaw at?" and I smiled cause I knew she didn't realize she was holding his hand. I replied "Your holding his hand sissy" she then stopped in her tracks looked up at Richard, her eyes got big and came running beside me. It was too funny. She just didn't realize that she had a hold of his hand. I wish that I could say that I took more pictures, but I didn't. Mary took a ton. But I did get a few.
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