I have found the cutest doll for Kaylee, instead of Tinkerbell, it's called Fancy Nancy! The doll has curly hair like Kaylee and is just the cutest thing! So she will be getting her doll house...and to see the dollhouse in person is just truly amazing, and some of the people that go with it, a Fancy Nancy doll and something else. Stockings I am stumped with! I am putting Tinkerbell underware in Kaylee's to entice her to go on the potty more often! And Skyler's getting some more underwear. They are getting a few pieces of candy but I am going to get some little toy to go in their stockings and don't know what yet!?!? Santa may or may not leave slippers for the kids, may or may not leave blanket and pillow combos or possibly coloring books and colors. Still not sure yet! Of course you ask David his opinion and guess what...he doesn't have one.
I think the hardest person to shop for his my dad. He has everything he needs/wants. And if there is something that he wants he just goes and gets it. Last year he told me to get him jeans. But I want to get him something more meaningful. I asked David what we where getting for his parents and he doesn't know.
But let me tell you about Skyler...this kiddo just blows me away! We were sitting down doing "homework" and he had one that he had to do that had shapes of a diamond, star, oval and heart. Then it had the words written out and he was suppose to connect lines from the word to the matching shape. So I thought let me ask him what this word says...I pointed at diamond and asked (thinking he doesn't know) and to my suprise he said "diamond" and he did that with every word. And I asked him today what the words were and he said the same thing. He is recognizing what the numbers and letters look like. He is doing really well. And sissy is amazing as well. She is learning so much from him!
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