The kids had a good time yesterday. Kelley and Taylor went Trick or Treating with us for a bit. We went down to grandma Suzie's first. She loaded them up with candy and then we went to great grandma Gerry's. She kept putting candy in their baskets! I didn't think she was ever going to stop. And after that we hit up the houses. We had to dump the kids candy because it was getting too heavy for them and then went back for more! Skyler had the Trick or Treating part down pat....but Kaylee would not say it for the life of her. And then on top of that they were wanting to get into the people's candy bowls. I had to tell them several times to get out of them. But there seems to be fewer and fewer houses that give out candy each year. I can remember when I was little every house would be lit up. But after all that the kids baskets were filled to the brim. So we did good. And on top of that we were only out for about an hour and a half.
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