Well to start off Thanksgiving was so nice! It was very relaxing and just nice for a change. Normally Thanksgiving is very stressful for some reason. Mom cooked the usual turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green bean caserole, deviled eggs, noodles, dressing and made banana cream pie, pumpkin pie and pecan pie. Grandma brought pea salad, fruit salad, some kind of pie and key lime desert. We were short several people...but mom, dad, grandma and grandpa, Suzanne, Jordan, David, Skyler, Kaylee and I were all there. Ashtyn got sick so her dad stayed at home with her, Tootsie and Bill went to his brothers and then Kelley didn't show up till late. The kids and I stayed at mom and dads so I could get up at 3 and go hit the sales.
I didn't sleep to well last night...but when the alarm went off...I got up. My first stop was Kohl's. I was thinking that since it was Kohl's there wouldn't be many people...man was I wrong! You almost needed a ticket to park. I was so far back in line I was thinking I am not going to get Kailynn's My Little Pony toy...but to my suprise in I went and 5 mins later out I was with the toy. My next stop was Toys R Us who opened at 5. I waited in line, but I wasn't too far back in line, for 30 mins in I went and I was out in 5 minutes with Skyler's Lightning Storm. So my next venture was to go to Wal-Mart...ha! I could hardly find anywhere to park. Then I went inside to get the Crayola Glow Station for $15...but they were completely gone. But I have NEVER EVER seen anything like this! And yes, people are CRAZY in the way that they act. In seeing the line when I first entered, I looked over and saw that there were people already in the check outs with buggy's FULL and when I mean FULL...I mean over flowing. It was only 5:10 at this point. So I got in my car parked a mile away from the store and headed to Target and got in line to wait an additional 30 minutes in the cold. I really like how Target respects the people that have been waiting in line. They park buggy's in front of the door and have security out front and let the ones know that they will have to wait as others have been waiting. I got in and got Skyler's Leapster games then got Kaylee's Baby Alive doll and did get the Glow Station there...for about $10 more. But I do have to say a little evil came out. I was trying to get out of the toy section, and let me describe it. They have the main isles down the stores, well Target puts huge bins of toys on one side of the main isle and then they expect you to get up and down in carts. I was trying to go between two carts, which wasn't much space and this woman kept pushing me in the back and I had enough. I turned around and not in so much nice manner said that if she didn't stop pushing me she was going to wind up on the floor. I got in and out of Target in 20 minutes, and was at moms to pick up the kids by 6:40. This was an experience I will never forget. Next year I will bring David if I need reinforcements.
I did hear today unfortunely that a Wal-Mart worker was trampled to death. This is so sad. They had let a few customers into the store and told the others that they weren't going to let any more in for a little bit, the customers got ticked and said that they had been waiting in line for, not quiet sure how long, and that they were coming in. From what I understand the guy may have been trying to lock the doors and the customers stormed in taking down the doors and bending the frame on the door way and killed him in all of this. A woman who was 8 months pregnant was hurt as well as several others. What is wrong with people? Seriously over electronics or specials is it really worth taking an innocent persons life, who is only doing his job that he is told to do? They did say that the authorities are investigating it and try to identify people and if they do they may face criminal charges...which they should. The governement needs to try to find a way to fix this economy and create new jobs instead of sending them over seas. People are going nuts trying to get a bargain, that they don't care who gets hurt. This scares me. I guess another depression is creeping up on us slowly...but soon.
Above is a pic of the kids from yesterday.
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