So I have decided to jump in and do the blog thingy. But lets see how well I actually keep up with it! LOL
This week has been busy. Starting babysitting not to long ago and I think I have the days down to a science. So I am happy about that. Kinlea, the baby I watch is getting better at preoccupying herself. And the best of all....she is sleeping during naptime. Kaylee has a little friend Kaylynn. Kaylynn is 2 and they have a good time together. Julian the other little boy that I watch just turned 2 today. I think the kids enjoy the company.
Skyler is doing so much better in school. He doesn't cry when he gets dropped off anymore. They went to the pumpkin patch today and he brought home a half green pumpkin! He is very proud of it b/c he picked it himself. I feel bad for Kaylee, she wishes so bad she could go to school and I think she will do well when she goes next year.
As for us we went to the Zey family reunion in Sedalia this weekend and got to catch up with several relatives that we have not seen in forever! Then Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch. The kids had a good time. But like all brothers and sisters they fought and argued the entire time there. I will be attaching some pics from there to here.
But I still have no word on me being anemic. They are still not sure where I am bleeding at. But I know they will find it. This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I am happy that it is. But it also reminds me of the past two years, and makes me thankful for everything I overcame.
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