But yep I am 29! Is that really old? I keep wondering that. But I think age is just a number and you are only as old as you feel! But my cousin Suzanne sent an email saying Happy Birthday along with Michelle (love ya Shell!) and Kelley. Kelley and Taylor also sent me flowers today and I must say thank you (which I did). Skyler did not believe that it was my Birthday until his daddy told him it was. So I guess if daddy says it, it must be right. Then Skyler and sissy sang Happy Birthday to me about a million times and at the end of each time they sang it sissy would clap and tell Skyler "Good job!" It was pretty cute.
Where Kaylee gets good job from is that they both know how to spell their names. David taught Skyler and had Skyler spell it over and over one night until he got it. Well Kaylee has one of those write on things and I spelt her name and said k-a-y-l-e-e. Then she went right away and said k-a-y-l-e. She only adds the one "e" on to the end of her name. So she really suprised me cause I wasn't trying to teach her and I said "good job". I just can't believe how smart the kids are! Skyler says some big words and uses them in the sentence right and I just wonder how does he know that. But Kaylee is the same way as well.
But all in all my Birthday was pretty good.
Hey Shauna! Hope your Birthday was a great one! And no, 29 is no old... :)
Thanks ladies!
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