I hope each and everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We did. The in-laws and us went to my parents for Thanksgiving. My cousin and her family were there, my grandparents, my sister and her family and my parents were all there. There was TONS of food and we all had a great time! We all sat around after eating looking at the Black Friday ads. We picked out what we were after and had fun talking about it. David and his dad left to go watch a movie and then around 4pm his mom, the kids and I all left to come back home. We also got our tree up. It's not decorated, but it is up.
David and I decided that we were going to get up for some items. Since our printer/scanner has hit the dust we got the HP printer from Wal-Mart for $25. It came with both inks so it basically paid for itself. David also picked up both kiddos coats at Wal-Mart for $15 regularly $35, so both were less than one by itself. They needed them bad. Skyler was still wearing his one from last year and you could tell it was too small, and Kaylee has been wearing her light jacket, cause hers was way to small from last year. Then later on during the day I picked up the color wonder pads that Wal-Mart had for $5 each, one for Skyler and one for Kaylee. Then at Target I got the Memorex DVD player for $20, so the kids can watch their own movies/shows when we would like to watch something. I also got a toy for Skyler for mom at Target. My camera has been about ready to roll over and die for awhile so David got me the Nikon camera that they had on sale for $88. Which I very much appreciated, I just have to figure this one out. I also got a few odds and ends at Target and Wal-Mart. I already had the majority of the toys bought before I found out about my cancer, but this kind of put a halt to the additional stuff that I would of like to have gotten them. All in all it was a pretty good day.
The in-laws left once we got back. It was sad to see them go, however, it is nice to have my house back again. I am gearing up for next week. Kaylee is off to see the dr Monday about her head. She has seemed like she is just very agitated all the time since it happened, just not herself. Then Wednesday is chemo day. I am not really looking forward to it at all. I will just take it one day at a time though.
Again I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday! And just think 27 more shopping days til Christmas!
Summertime Sweets
Hey friends! I pulled together a bunch of sweet treats that would be
super fun served up this summer. Check these out if you are looking for a
cute tre...
9 months ago